Η Βιβλιογραφία αυτή προτείνεται από την Επιστημονική Επιτροπή της HOPEinGA
στους Εκπαιδευόμενους της Παιδείας των Ομαδικών Αναλυτών
  1. Agazarian, Y. & Peters, R. (1981) The Visible and Invisible Group. Two Perspectives on Group Psychotherapy and Group Process, London: Routledge
  2. Anthony, E.J. & Chiland, C. (1988) The Child in his Family. Child Raising and Identity Formation under Stress, NY: Wiley.
  3. **Anzieu, D. (1984) The Group and the Unconscious, London: Routledge.
  4. Ashbach, C. & Schermer, V.C. (1987) Object Relations. The Self and the Group: A Conceptual Paradigm, London: Karnac Books.
  5. Bellak, L. & Siegel, H. (1983) Handbook of Intensive Brief and Emergency Psychotherapy. Larchmont, New York: CPS Inc.
  6. **Bion, W.R. (1961) Experiences in Groups, London: Tavistock.
  7. **Blanck, G. & Blanck R. (1974) Ego Psychology: Theory and Practice, NY:Columbia Univ.Press
  8. **Blanck, G. & Blanck R. (1979) Ego Psychology II: Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology, New York: Columbia University Press.
  9. Bloch, S. (1982) What is Psychotherapy? Oxford: Oxford Univ.Press.
  10. * Bloch, S. & Crouch, E. (1985) Therapeutic Factors in Group Psychotherapy, New York: Oxford University Press
  11. Bloch, S. (1986) An Introduction to the Psychotherapies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  12. **Brenner, C. (1974) Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis, Rev. ed. Karnac (26/10/95)
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  14. Casement, P. (2002) Learning from our Mistakes. Beyond Dogma in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Brunner-Routledge.
  15. Cox, M. (1978) Coding the Therapeutic Process: Emblems of Encounter, Oxford: Pegamon Press.
  16. Cox, M. (1995) Structuring the Therapeutic Process, Karnak Books
  17. Cox, M. & Theilgaard, A. (1987) Mutative Metaphors in Psychotherapy, London: Tavistock Pub
  18. Cramer-Azima, F.J. & Richmond, L.H. (1989) Adolescent Group Psychotherapy, London: Karnac Books
  19. Davanloo, H. (1980) Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, New York: Aronson.
  20. **Davis, M. & Wallbridge, D. (1981) Boundary and Space: An Introduction to the Work of D.W. Winnicott, London: Karnac Books.
  21. * De Maré P. (1972) Perspectives in Group Psychotherapy. A Theoretical Background, New York: Science House.
  22. **De Maré P. (1991) Koinonia: From Hate through Dialogue to Culture in the Large Group, London: Karnac Books.
  23. Dies, R.R. & Mackenzie, K.R. (1983) Advances in Group Psychotherapy, New York: International University Press.
  24. * Durkin, H. (1966) The Group in Depth, NY: International University Press.
  25. **Fairbairn, W.R. (1978) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality, London: Routledge.
  26. Φαλάρας, Β. Ψυχαναλυτική Διαδικασία, Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα.
  27. Fancher, R. E. (1973) Psychoanalytic Psychology: The Development of Freud’s Thought, New York: Norton & Co. Inc.
  28. **Foulkes, S.H. (1949) Introduction to Group-Analytic Psychotherapy, London: William Heinemann.
  29. ** Foulkes, S. (1964) Therapeutic Group Analysis, London: Allen & Unwin.
  30. Foulkes, S. & Anthony, E. (1965) Group Psychotherapy: The Psychoanalytic Approach, London: repr. Karnac 1984.
  31. Foulkes, S.H. (1975) Group-Analytic Psychotherapy: Method and Principles, London: Karnac.
  32. **Foulkes, S.H. & Foulkes El. (1989) Selected Papers: Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis, London: Karnac Books.
  33. **Freud, S. (1921) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Standard Edition.
  34. Gabriel, Y. (1983) Freud and Society, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  35. Garfield, S.L. (1989) The Practice of Brief Psychotherapy, New York: Pergamon Press.
  36. Goldberg, C. (1991) On Being a Psychotherapist, New Jersey: Aronson.
  37. **Greenson, R.R. (1967) The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, NY: Inter.Univ.Press.
  38. Grotjahn, M. (1977) The Art and Technique of Analytic Group Therapy, NY.:Jason Aronson Inc.
  39. Guntrip, H. (1968) Schizoid Phenomena. Object Relation and the Self, London:Hogarth Press.
  40. Guy, J.D. (1987) The Personal Life of the Psychotherapist, New York: Wiley & Sons.
  41. *Hall, C.S. & Lindzey, G. (1976) Theories of Personality, New York: Wiley & Sons.
  42. *Hartocollis, P. (1977) Borderline Personality Disorders, New York: Intern. Univ. Press.
  43. * Hinshelwood, R.D. & Manning, N. (1979). Therapeutic Communities, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
  44. Jones, E. (1964) The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, London: Penguin.
  45. * Jones, M. (1982) The Process of Change, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  46. * Kadis, A.L., Krasner, J.D., Weiner, M.F., Winick, C. & Foulkes, S.H. (1963) A Practicum of Group Psychotherapy, New York: Harper & Row.
  47. Κέισμεντ, Π. (1989) Μαθαίνοντας από τον ασθενή. Μετ. Ελένη Τζελέπογλου, Αθήνα: Καστανιώτη.
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  50. Kernberg, O. (1976) Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis, NY: Aronson Inc.
  51. **Kernberg, O. (1984) Severe Personality Disorders: Psychotherapeutic Strategies, New Haven and London: Yale University.
  52. Kohut, H. (1971) The Analysis of the Self. A Systematic Approach to the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorders, New York: Int. Univ. Press
  53. * Kohut, H. (1977) The Restoration of the Self, NY: International Universities Press.
  54. * Kreeger, L. (1975) The Large Group: Dynamics & Therapy, London: Constable.
  55. * Kutter, P. (1976) Basic Aspects of Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, London: Routledge.
  56. **Laplanche, J. & Pontalis, J.B. (1988) The Language of Psychoanalysis, Trans. Donald Nicholson_Smith, NY: Norton, 1973
  57. *Lear, T.E. (1984) Spheres of Group Analysis, London: Group Analytic Society.
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  60. *Malan, D.H. (1976) The Frontier of Psychotherapy, NY: Plenum Publ Corp.
  61. *Mann, J. (1973) Time – Limited Psychotherapy, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ. Press.
  62. Mann, J. & Goldman, R. (1982) A Case-Book in Time–Limited Psychotherapy, NY:McGraw-Hill.
  63. *Manning, N. (1989) The Therapeutic Community Movement: Charisma and Routinization, London, NY: Routledge.
  64. Nitsun, M. (1996) The Anti-Group: Destructive Forces in the Group and Their Creative Potential (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process), London and New York: Routledge.
  65. Nitsun, M. (2006) The Group as an Object of Desire. Exploring Sexuality in Group Therapy. London and New York: Routledge.
  66. *Pines, M. & Rafaelsen, L. (1982) The Individual and the Group, NY: Plenum Press
  67. **Pines, M. (1983) The Evolution of Group Analysis, London: Routledge, Kegan Paul.
  68. Pinney, E. L. & Slipp, S. (1982) Glossary of Group and Family Therapy, NY: Brunner/Mazel.
  69. Roazen, P. (1976) Freud and his Followers, New York: A.A. Knopf.
  70. Rosenbaum, M. (1983) Handbook of Short-Term Therapy Groups, NY:Jason Aronson Publ.
  71. Rush, A.J. (1982) Short-Term Psychotherapies for Depression, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  72. **Rycroft, C. (1968) A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, New York: Basic Books.
  73. *Sandler, J., Dare, C. & Holder, A. (1971) The Patient and the Analyst: The Basis of the Psychoanalytic Process, New York: IUP.
  74. **Segal, H. (1973) Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein, London: Hogarth Press.
  75. *Shaffer, J.B.P. & Galinsky, M.D. (1974) Models of Group Therapy and Sensitivity Training, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
  76. *Sifneos, P. (1979) Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Evaluation and Technique, New York & London: Plenum.
  77. **Skynner, A.C.R. (1976) One Flesh Separate Persons: Principles of Family and Marital Psychotherapy, London: Constable.
  78. *Skynner, A.C.R. & Cleese, J. (1983) Families and How to Survive Them, London: Methuen.
  79. *Skynner, A.C.R. (1989) Institutes and How to Survive Them, London: Routledge.
  80. *Skynner, A.C.R. & Schlapobersky J. (1990) Explorations with Families: Group Analysis and Family Therapy, London, NY: Routledge.
  81. *Slavson, S.R. (1970) An Introduction to Group Therapy, New York: Commonwealth fund.
  82.  Storr, A. (1979) The Art of Psychotherapy, London: Secker & Warborg and Heinemann Medical Books.
  83. Strupp, H.H. & Binder, J.L. (1986) Psychotherapy in a New Key. A guide to Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy, New York: Guilford.
  84. Tuttman, S. (1991) Psychoanalytic Group Theory and Therapy, Madison, Conn: Int. Univ.Press
  85. * Vinogradov, S. & Yalom, I.D. (1989) A Concise Guide to Group Psychotherapy, Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press.
  86. **Winnicott, D.W. (1971) Playing and Reality, Penguin Books.
  87. **Winnicott, D.W. (1980) Το Παιδί, το Παιχνίδι και η Πραγματικότητα, Μετ. Γ. Κωστόπουλος.
  88. **Yalom, I.D. (1985) The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, New York: Basic Books.
Group Analysis
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΕΙΣ: Τα βιβλία και περιοδικά που σημειώνονται με αστερίσκο θεωρούνται περισσότερο σημαντικά. Πολλά απ’ αυτά θα χρησιμοποιηθούν κατά την διάρκεια της Εκπαίδευσης ως βιβλία μελέτης ή βιβλία αναφοράς.
Συμπληρωματική Βιβλιογραφία
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  39. Rutan, S.J. & Stone, N.W. (1993) Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy, 2nd Ed.. N.Y.: Guilford Press.